Found it! Thanks, Nancy!

Well, good job Deputy Detectives, we found the mystery fabric.

BOLO - find this fabric!!!
BOLO – find this fabric!!!

The amazing Quilt Pixie, Kyla Laffoon, sent me information today that it is a vintage Kaffe Fassett fabric called Spools!

This is her message:

Found it! On, I determined that all Kaffe Fassett fabric patter numbers start with “GP”. The numbers for his fabrics never started with a 3… so I searched the Google 😉 for “vintage Kaffe Fassett Fabric” and waaalaaah!There is was… Kaffe Fassett, collection is Spools, color is redOne Fat quarter available here…

Just call me Nancy Drew (loved those books!)

I wanted to show you something funny…

Last night when we were detectiving the fabric, we did a thing called an image search. We took a photo of the fabric and we commanded Gigi Google to search for that image.

These are the results!!!

Screen shot 2013-01-31
Screen shot 2013-01-31

Calling all Nancy Drews!

The quilt police have issued a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for this fabric.

BOLO - find this fabric!!!
BOLO – find this fabric!!!

Can you Deputy Detectives help me identify the name and number of this fabric?

One of my students wants more of this for her quilt and we cannot even find any images of it on my friend Gigi Google.

The label that we have reads Westminster Fibers Inc. Patt# GP-3 … and the rest is CUT OFF!!!

Please write in if you have any information.

The quilt police are offering a reward: No scolding for crooked seams for a MONTH!  Woo Hoo!!!

Thanks to all; now do the secret handshake!

Where’s Waldolethea?

Where's Waldolethea?
Where’s Waldolethea?

She’s such a busy little bee it’s hard to keep up with our little Waldolethea, but you can bust out and join her soon!

Where, you ask?

Read on…


Wednesdays from 5:30 to 9:00 Alethea hosts a drop-in quilting “class” called Thoroughly Modern Mavis.

Thoroughly Modern Catherine's Quilt
Thoroughly Modern Catherine’s Quilt

We thought we would be super modern and cool, but we are just fun, fun, and fun instead. Anyone is welcome to stop by and sew, chat, get Panda Express, share your quilts, and get out of the house for a few hours with some great quilters. It’s a puny $15.00 and we meet in Danville, California, at Wooden Gate Quilts!

This Saturday!

This Saturday, January 26, 2013, our little Alethea will be speaking at the African American Quilt Guild in Oakland, California. Rumor has it she will talk about using large-scale prints, sewing fun things, and quilt hoarding.

Pickle Dish-ish in progress
Pickle Dish-ish in progress

AND she will be showing off her new derivative work!

Click here to see the details for getting to the meeting. Guests are welcome – come – its going to be fun!!! Here’s the blurb (which I just might have written myself!).

Alethea Ballard is a quilter who is in love with bright, clear colors and large-scale prints.  She is impatient with the fussy aspects of quilting and likes to work improvisationally and let the fabric “tell” her what to make with it.  She has stopped making quilts for other people and is happily hoarding all the quilts she makes.  Author of Maverick Quilts, using large-scale fabrics, novelty prints & panels with panache and Dream Chair Quilts, 7 patterns for whimsical wallhangings, Alethea lives and teaches in the Bay Area.  Join Alethea to view her work, hear the story of her journey to the life of a “maverick” quilter, and share in her quirky vision of yummy fabrics.  Learn More about Alethea on her website and blog – and  Tell your quilter friends… AAQGO guests are welcome.  A $3.00 donation is requested for guests when we
have a speaker presentation.

Must Have… fabrics for January 2013

Amy Butler Alchemy fabric
Amy Butler Alchemy fabric

It all starts with fabric.

And it all ends with fabric.

And it’s all fabric in between!

Now, I’ve been to four different fabric stores in the past week and NOWHERE did I see this fabric!

Since I got some fabric store time in this year, I felt it was time to “behave”, so I finally tackled my (285) unread emails, and I am glad I DID!

I came across this post from a great website called True Up (for the fabric obsessed). If you’re not a fan yet, you can subscribe and she’ll send you wonderful emails all about fabric.

Kim wrote about the new Amy Butler Alchemy fabrics and they actually stopped my tiny, cold heart.

As you know I can’t get enough of large-scale prints, so I’m really hoping that in person these prints are LARGE!

Over at Amy’s website you can view the whole she-bang and what a great line it is!

Even though I haven’t seen it on the shelves yet, but i did spy some online at Fabricworm and other places, so I’m going to stomp my tiny cold feet until I get some!!!

Amy Butler sketchbook roses laminated
Amy Butler sketchbook roses laminated

Look at this color! and it comes in laminated fabric – great for bags!

Amy Butler sketchbook roses cream organic
Amy Butler sketchbook roses cream organic

And it comes in organic!

Amy Butler victoriana:port
Amy Butler victoriana:port

And there are some great other designs in the line!

I wish I could just do all fabric all day long!!! Cut, sew, touch, buy, design, cuddle!