Vintage Fabric is Sooo Yummy!

Remember when I wrote about the great vintage fabric store in San Francisco, Urban Burp? No? Read about it here!!!

Well, Urban Burp has moved to a new location – less traffic and better parking!

I am happy to share with you the information about the new spot, hours and the $20.00 Burpbucks coupon you’ll get for being one of the first 100 customers!

I’ll be by there on Monday for the big day – see you there!

Urban Burp Opening Information
Urban Burp Opening Information

Make Bombs Not War

Yarn Bomb from
Yarn Bomb from

Yarn bombs that is.

It’s only 23 days to International Yarn Bombing Day – do you have your arsenal ready?

What is a yarn bomb, you ask?

It’s where a regular person (or kinda regular person) prettifies the neighborhood by adding a bit of yarn here and there!

Yarn Bomber in action - she looks a wee bit sinister?
Yarn Bomber in action – Does she look even a wee bit sinister?

It’s a form of urban art (AKA graffiti). It’s also referred to as guerilla knitting.

Is this the most fun you’ve ever heard of?

Alethea and the knitted sign post
Alethea and the knitted sign post

Yarn bombing has been slowly creeping into my life. My first experience with it was on 4th street in Berkeley last summer.  I saw this pole adorned with knitting – I loved it and had a photo taken of me and the pole. Together.

I have yet to see a whole covered tree, but people are doing it – look!


knobbly knitting
knobbly knitting

I was going to just whip out a post telling y’all about the yarn bombing thing, and then I began to research and junk. Before you know it I had detectived a bunch of information about yarn bombing. (And this post is taking forever to write!)

1. Yarn Bombing has been around for more than 7 years – so I’m late to the party (again)

2. Lots of people knew about it before me (see #1)

3. Lots of people have blogged about it (see below)

4. It’s international (that makes it cool)

5. It’s illegal (that makes it cooler)

6. There is an international yarn bomb day and people cover things with yarn by knitting or crocheting something to fit over it. (Put it on your calendar – June 11th)

7. I want to do this! (see below again)

8. Don’t tell the Yarn Police (please)


sheep (Ireland)
sheep (Ireland)
party hats
party hats
bus, of course
bus, of course

So then the universe or someone invented Pintrest, and it was good.

So, there I discovered a whole world of things to look at including some yarn bombing photos. So then I had to make a Yarn Bomb board. Of course I did. Go see it!

So, while I’m a little late to the yarn party, other’s have been having a blast. Here are some blogs and articles about it:

Bay area legend:

Canadian Crafty chick:

Author of the book – eponymous and definitive:

Oakland Museum brings yarn bombing to the museum and asks the question, “What’s the distinction between street art and fine art? How is art different from craft? Who decides? “:

There’s even a facebook page (groan):

plant pockets from Heather Champ
plant pockets from Heather Champ

My favorites are the parking meter covers and Heather Champ’s plant pockets – Click! here for a nice plant pocket knitting tutorial and her lovely photos – you must see them! I’m going to bomb my own yard with those little babies!

the humble beginnings of my yarn bomb
the humble beginnings of my yarn bomb

For the big day, I’m starting small. This little gem is going to cover the stop sign post for my street (I think).

And last but not least, go to this blog and read Christina Lowry’s wonderful blog post about knitting, 10 Things I Have Learnt About knitting. It will warm your tiny (guerilla knitting) heart.

OK – really last and, yes, least. Pintrest has this whole invitation thingy going. Don’t be fooled – you don’t have to have a facebook or twitter to join. Just persevere with the signup until they ask for your email address.  You do have to have an invitation to join (sneaky buggers), but send me an email and I’ll invite the first ten of you who ask me. My email is maverickquilts (at) gmail (dot) com.