Fabric Designers – the nicest people on earth – Part 2 the Royal Family

How darling is this cupcake?
How darling is this cupcake?

The Royalty of Fabricland!

Here is the post you all have been waiting for.  It seems difficult to believe that there really are more fabulous fabric designers out there in the world, but, believe me, THERE ARE!

As I noted in Part 1, the fabric designers bring JOY to us humble quilters.  We delight in the elation that each new fabric creates in our teeny tiny hearts. We live for that feeling we have when we see a new color or pattern that makes us excited, hopeful and fulfilled all at the same time.  The next step, of course, is to then OWN a piece of each of these coveted fabrics!  But that’s a blog for a later day.

The King and Queen of Fabricland!

I cannot write about the Royal fabric designers without mentioning the creative team from Alexander Henry Fabrics.  Strangely enough, I did not take any pictures of the Alexander Henry booth nor of the designers!  I was so busy trying to be cool when I talked to the King and Queen of fabric, Phillip and Nicole de Leon, the brother-sister part of the creative team, that I didn’t even snap one photo.

I was able to show Phillip the pages from Maverick Quilts that featured his fabric!  True to my super-uncool self I only talk-spit on him a little when I gushed admiration, and I barely avoided fainting dead away when Nicole showed me her darling cats on chairs fabric!  But, other than that, things went well.  They let me ferret about and look at all the fabric samples and didn’t even call security once.

Incandescent Indigos from Alexander Henry's Larkspur fabric line
Incandescent Indigos from Alexander Henry's Larkspur fabric line

I will tell you, however, that the booth was all decked out in an Indigo theme and everything was a rich feast of Asian blue and linen colors.  Delicious.  And while I claim that fabric designers are the nicest people in the world, the truth is that the Alexander Henry team is absolutely the most stylish team.  Each of the people in the booth are dressed L.A. Chic, impeccably tailored in their gorgeous clothes, and so fashion forward.  My friend Ashley and I had seen a tall, slender man dressed just so in a restaurant in the morning.  Great belt, vest, shoes – not over the top – just too cool for the quilted vest, elastic waist quilting scene.  Of course, he turned up working in the Alexander Henry booth later in the day – I rest my case!

Tula Pink with Ashley and me
Tula Pink with Ashley and me

The Princess!

The Princess of Fabricland has to be Tula Pink.  The Converse All-Star-high-top-wearing maven of the creative fabrics!  She greets you like a friend even if you’re a troll, and she is kind and friendly and willing to pose with anyone (see Ashley and me above and Elliot below).

Tula and Elliot
Tula and Elliot

Even the traveling Ken doll known as Elliot got his own photos shoot with her!  I would love to know the story about Elliot, but suffice to say Tula was a sport about posing with him.  (She ignored Mavis Quinn’s request to take a photo if Elliot nestled in between Tula’s “girls”, but I think that just shows that Tula is a sensible girl and Mavis is a weirdo.  But I digress.)

Her new fabrics from the Prince Charming line are fabulous and the colors are sublime!  There is just something about Tula that makes you want to be near her and you hope that some of her amazing creativity will rub off on you.

Well folks, this brings me to the end of the story.  “But wait,” you say, like a little child on granny’s lap. ” Is that all?  Can’t you tell me another story?”  Oh, yes, little ones.  There is just one more member of the royal court of Fabricland, the great High Empress, Amy Butler!

The Empress of all Fabricland!

She is the fairest in the land, and I know if there were a small pea under her pile of mattresses (made from her lovely fabrics) she would toss and turn and not sleep a wink!

Amy and me at the Fall market in Houston
Amy and me at the Fall market in Houston

I met Amy at fall market in Houston and she was so nice to me and kind and pretty and TALL that I was just floored.  I showed her how her fabric was on the cover of my fist book Dream Chair Quilts and she was so happy for me and she said the nicest things!  She even bent down when we had our photo taken together so I wouldn’t look so much like the short little troll that I am!

The Incomprable Amy Butler
The incomparable Amy Butler

This year Amy was there with her new fabrics which come in several weights like laminates, organics, and decorator weights, and voile.  (Whatever that is.  As it is NOT for quilting and therefore is non-fabric for most of us, I have no idea.)  There she was, just standing there beaming like the Most Wonderful Royal Highness that she is.  We got to talk and take pictures and everything!

Amy with Ashley and me at Spring Market
Amy with Ashley and me at Spring Market

The Court Jester!

Someday, when I get my own fabric line, I plan to be grumpy and recalcitrant, and I will not be nice to anyone.  KIDDING!

But, I do know that I will never be Fabricland Royalty.  And that is fine with me.  It’s too much of a burden anyway and I imagine one’s head gets tired of wearing those big, heavy crowns!

2 thoughts on “Fabric Designers – the nicest people on earth – Part 2 the Royal Family

  1. This post got me excited about fabric and I’m not even a quilter! I disagree about one thing however… you (Alethea) would most certainly be invited to join the Royal Family!!! Get cookin’ on that fabric line princess…

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